David Frum is worried about the dwindling number of college educated voters in the GOP. Well Frum boy, when your party appeals only to anti-intellectual morons and dumbasses, shouldn't that tell you something? The GOP ain't exactly MENSA central. While the left's intellectuals (Chomsky et all) have plenty of silly beliefs, they at least qualify as intellectuals. The Republican right has no actual intellectuals at all.
Unless this guy is your idea of an intellectual:

How can anyone who claims to love capitalism and free-markets applaud the failure of the GOP? Sure, the GOP has it's failings, but of the last 30 years it seems to be because it is trying to outspend the liberals.
You should also expand your horizons. There are many good people out there who believe in limited government in the markets who are Republicans. You should actually try to meet a few Republicans before you go out and find a random picture and attribute it to the GOP.
"How can anyone who claims to love capitalism and free-markets applaud the failure of the GOP?"
Take a guess.
"the last 30 years it seems to be because it is trying to outspend the liberals"
Oh! You guessed right! Have a cookie!
So, we applaud the failure of the Republican party which only means the rise of the socialist Democratic party.
Yeah, that's something to celebrate.
Thanks for the enlightenment, rorshak. Your intellect has impressed me.
There are many good people out there who believe in limited government in the markets who are Republicans.Aside from some of the Ron Paul supporters (who are a microscopic fraction and not accepted by the rest of the party), who?
You should actually try to meet a few RepublicansI've met plenty, and often feel uncomfortable around them. Very authoritarian and bigoted.
So, we applaud the failure of the Republican partyCorrect. And we hope for a swift end to its sorry existence, as well.
which only means the rise of the socialist Democratic party.Hey, at least the Democrats don't think I'm evil for liking curvy women. In the GOP that's a "sin" or some crap. The sky pixie hates sex, despite programming all of us to like it.
Otherwise, there's zero difference. Both parties are for torture, warmongering, fascism, imperialism, statism, etc.
God, why does blogger clump everything together, even when I space it out in the actual comment? How annoying.
Cork, thanks for a much more enlightened reply!
There are pleny of conservatives who believe in Limited Government and spoke out against GW's prolific spending. Ron Paul has opened many eyes on Capital Hill - he has now started bringing Austrian economic experts to speak for GOP congressmen. Since I'm sure you are going to ask, "Again, who?" - I'll list my favorites and wait for the backlash: Coburn, DeMint, Sanford, Flake, Shadegg, Tancredo, Pence, and of course Dr. Paul.
As far as authoritarian, how are democrats any different? I know you lean towards an anarchist view (which I can respect - still learning on that one), but liberals want the same authority to insitute their own pet projects.
As far as the bigot comments, I'm not buying. Maybe the people you've met, but not what I see. You see no bigotry in affirmative action? This is one of the liberals cornerstones.
Again, I'm okay with the GOP's demise as well. My fear is the growth of the socialist party. That is certainly not something to cheer. If they both went away and we got rid of the DNC and RNC simultaneously - now that would be good for Liberty.
I don't know who is against you looking at curvy women - unless of course you happen to be a woman. I hope some day for all Americans to let adults chosse for themselves - mates, pills, whatever. But, hispancis and blacks - who vote very heavily Democrat - are very strongly against Gay Marriage.
That last statement is unfortunately too true. We have become one big "too low tax, too much spend" party. A country won't be a country long if they keep running huge deficits.
Thanks for the discussion. I've been a reader for a while now - I only responded because thought an anarcho-capatilist would be actually more GOP than Demo. I wanted to know more.
First of all, let me say I appreciate you commenting here. I admire people willing to go outside of their echo chambers, and I mean that sincerely.
Since I'm sure you are going to ask, "Again, who?" - I'll list my favorites and wait for the backlash: Coburn, DeMint, Sanford, Flake, Shadegg, Tancredo, Pence, and of course Dr. Paul.Aside from Paul, the record of most of these guys is pretty bad (especially Tancredo's). I'll give Sanford some credit for being more anti-stimulus than most, but that's about it.
I was a Republican at one point, btw. It's a dark chapter of my life, to be sure. ;)
As far as authoritarian, how are democrats any different? I know you lean towards an anarchist view (which I can respect - still learning on that one), but liberals want the same authority to insitute their own pet projects.You're exactly right, Democrats aren't much better.
As far as the bigot comments, I'm not buying. Maybe the people you've met, but not what I see. You see no bigotry in affirmative action? This is one of the liberals cornerstones.Agreed, affirmative action is ridiculous. But the conservative hostility toward gays really bothers me, and I'm hardly a PC type.
I don't know who is against you looking at curvy women - unless of course you happen to be a woman. I hope some day for all Americans to let adults chosse for themselves - mates, pills, whatever.I agree. But the GOP thinks sex is dirty for some reason--which is just weird.
If they both went away and we got rid of the DNC and RNC simultaneously - now that would be good for Liberty.That's the plan! ;)
I want the Democratic Party to die off too. It's a party of humorless, elitist snobs.
Thanks for the discussion. I've been a reader for a while now - I only responded because thought an anarcho-capatilist would be actually more GOP than Demo. I wanted to know more.Hey, no problem. You sound like a cool guy (or gal). Come back and comment whenever you like.
Hopefully blogger won't mesh everything together again--that really pisses me off.
Thanks for the replies. I can see better where you're at.
Good luck in the job search - my son (24, graduated Jan of 2008) looked for a job in his field for 9 months (he's a Sports management major - he's a football player and that was the choice of 80% of the football team) until he took what was available, which was being an Operator at a power plant - they needed a big, strong (half-way) intelligent man.
Take care and keep blogging - much, much better than newspapers!
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