Thursday, November 17, 2011

What kind of "ist" am I?

Over the last few years, I've defined and redefined what kind of "ist" I am. In case anyone is wondering (who am I kidding?), I still identify as an individualist anarchist. And after becoming better read on worker self-management, especially by left-libertarian authors like Kirkpatrick Sale, I've come to accept the traditional anti-capitalist strand of individualist anarchism. I've had my issues with worker cooperatives in the past, but most of the objections I had have been answered. I just had to read the right books! (Thank you, Human Scale)

I'm a manager a big corporation. Does that not make me a hypocrite? My own answer is "no." Managers would still exist in worker-run companies. The big difference is that they would either be: a) everybody, or b) under democratic control. The structure of the company would change, but the role would still exist. And that's good enough for me!

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