Thursday, November 17, 2011

My triumphant return

I recently decided that I am going to go back to blogging regularly. I know I've said that before, but I *mean it* this time! My hiatus has not been without reason: it's been a crazy year--though also one of the best in my life. I moved into a new place (after much deliberation), went on a long safari through Africa (best vacation ever!), dealt with a number of personal issues (don't ask), and got the promotion I wanted at work (yippee!).

I had a lot I had to take care of this year, and it distracted me from nearly all of my other hobbies. Finally, I feel like I have the time to go back to what I've enjoyed doing for so long: blogging about how much I hate the elites. All of my new posts will be available both here and on Skeptical Eye. With the sham "elections" set for next year, there will be much to write about.


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